



We proudly represent travel destinations by land, sea and air. by providing unique and creative sales and marketing strategies to help them increase their presence and revenues. Most of all, we're a dynamic team with a passion for storytelling & strategic marketing in the hospitality space

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This past February I embarked on an epic adventure down the east coast to visit family. My original intention was to head over to the theme parks following family-time to enjoy a few days nerding out; especially since it’s no secret I am both a Harry Potter & Star Wars fan.


In the before COVID world, or as I like to call it BC (before COVID), most hotels were able to amble along by sitting back and waiting for the booking requests to roll into their inbox. In a post-COVID world, the booking requests aren’t necessarily falling into those inboxes. Teams are going to have to find business through their own methods & likely the competitive landscape is going to be vastly more crowded than many anticipated.

Ok, let’s call January a tester month, shall we? My new year is officially beginning with February. I’m not sure what it is about this month, but I tend to feel extra inspired & excited to set goals for the coming year. While I’m not one to make ‘new year’s resolutions’ (although perhaps I should cut the alcohol), I am a proponent of constant self-improvement. ‘New year, new me’ and all that jazz…


According to Salesforce, 88% of B2B and B2C customers said that a brand’s trustworthiness mattered more in 2020 than it did in 2019. Travel advisors are strictly vetting suppliers and bringing business to partners they know will deliver and make the process as easy as possible.

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According to Salesforce, 88% of B2B and B2C customers said that a brand’s trustworthiness mattered more in 2020 than it did in 2019. Travel advisors are strictly vetting suppliers and bringing business to partners they know will deliver and make the process as easy as possible.

The Power of Hospitality Representation
